Dr. Mark Adler is currently serving as Superintendent of the Ralston Public Schools and has been serving students and families in education for over 25 years. Joni is a sales associate and has been serving customers in sales for over 25 years as well. Mark and Joni have three children, Jade (20) is a sophomore at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Reid is eternally 15 and resides in Heaven, and Kamille is 13 and is a 8th grade student at Ralston Middle School.
Donations are Accepted and Encouraged:
Suggested Donation $1,000
Reid Adler Memorial Kindness Scholarship Fund
Ralston Schools Foundation
8545 Park Drive
Ralston, NE 68127
** All Donations are tax deductible.

Mark & Joni Adler will discuss with students the journey during which their son Reid shared with them that he had suicidal thoughts to just over one month’s time when on January 7, 2016, Reid took his own life changing the lives of many forever. Reid was the victim of intimidation and cyber bullying, a situation his parents knew nothing about until after his passing. Mark & Joni will challenge students to stand up for each other and not allow any type of bullying or inappropriate treatment between students. The final focus will be on using courage and leadership as tools in spreading Hope and Kindness to everyone we encounter an approach Reid lived and exemplified daily!